Weekly Newsletters, Fall 2008-Spring 2009
Monday, October 29, 2007
Minutemen Project Founder Jim Gilchrist Will Lecture at CSULB
Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, will lecture and have an open panel on the "Costs of Illegal Immigration" at the Beach Auditorium, in the University Student Union at 12pm. Tuesday, November 13th, 2007. The lecture is co-sponsored by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and Operation Generation.
Jim Gilchrist, established the Minuteman Project and supports the prevention of illegal immigration across the U.S.'s southern border. Gilchrist holds a B.A. in newspaper journalism, a B.S. in business administration, and an MBA in taxation. He is a former newspaper reporter and a retired California CPA (Certified Public Accountant). Gilchrist is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and recipient of the Purple Heart award for wounds sustained while serving with an infantry unit in Vietnam, 1967 - 1969. Gilchrist advocates increased border enforcement and apprehension of illegal immigrants.
If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Jim Gilchrist, please call Jason Aula at (818) 602-6815 or email at jaula@csulb. edu. Also the CSU(Conservative Student Union) would like to extend an invite to two professors willing to debate with Jim Gilchrist.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Environmental Film Series
It’s El, my Energy and the Environment professor is welcoming the student body to a film series focused on the environmental crises. A new film will be shown each Friday in ECS 105 and it’s completely free. I’m especially interested in Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers which will screen Friday, November 9th at 2:00pm.
* Friday, November 2 @ 2:00 pm A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash (Basil Gilpe, 2006)
* Friday, November 9 @ 2:00 pm Iraq for Sale (Robert Greenwald, 2007)
* Friday, November 30 @ 2:00 pm The China Syndrome (Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon, 1999)
* Friday, December 7 @ 2:00 pm The Inconvenient Truth (Al Gore, 2006)
* Friday, December 14 @ 2:00 pm Guns, Germ, and Steel (Jared Diamond, 2006)
Feminist Love,
-Feminist Organization Reclaiming Consciousness and Equality
Thursday, October 25, 2007
From the blog maintainer
I do apologize for spacing out this last week. I totally forgot to check my inbox, and as a consequence, missed some of the events and e-mails being sent out to F.O.R.C.E..
I'm trying to catch up this week. ^^;;
If there's anything missing that you think should be here, feel free to message me on AIM: arrozc0nleche, or you could keep trying to e-mail me.
Enjoy your respective days!
Inga Muscio!

Who: Inga Muscio
What: Feminism, Racism, and the Death of Democracy
When: October 30, 11-12:15
Where: Multicultural Center
More info to come. Please save the date and tell your students, friends, and
Inga Muscio is the author of Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Devil: My Life and
Times in a Racist, Imperialist Society and Cunt: A Declaration of Independence.
Muscio is an internationally recognized author and public speaker on the topics of feminism, environmentalism,
anti-racism, queer and trans politics — and how these are all intricately connected. Muscio also addresses how
cultural violence is related to racial, sexual and family violence.
She is most recently an invited speaker at the 2007 Festival of Women Arts in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Muscio has
also appeared at Dartmouth, New Mexico State University, Drake University, Western Michigan University,
and other venues.
- Feminist Organization Reclaiming Consciousness and Equality
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Free movie this Thursday!
What: Real Women Have Curves
Where: Los Alamitos Lounge
When: Thursday, October 18
Time: 8:00 pm
This is the story of Ana, a first generation Mexican-American teenager on the verge of becoming a woman. She lives in the predominately Latino community of East Los Angeles. Freshly graduated from high school, Ana receives a full scholarship to Columbia University. Her very traditional, old-world parents feel that now is the time for Ana to help provide for the family, not the time for college. Torn between her mainstream ambitions and her cultural heritage she agrees to work with her mother at her sister's downtown LA sewing factory. Over the summer she learns to admire the hardworking team of women who teach her solidarity and teamwork. Still at odds with what her mother expects of her, Ana realizes that leaving home to continue her education is essential to finding her place proudly in the world as an American and Chicana.
- from imdb
Monday, October 15, 2007
'Zine submissions needed!
On an unrelated note, this Wednesday is Domestic Violence Awareness Day and there will be a Clothesline Project display from 9am-5pm so if you would like to volunteer please let us know what times you are available as soon as possible.
Megan Adams
Domestic Violence Awareness Day
Hi all –
A quick reminder about CSULB’s
Domestic Violence Awareness Day
on Wednesday, October 17, 2007
from 10am-2pm
on the Southwest Terrace of the USU
The Clothesline Project
on lower campus near the PE building, Criminal Justice/Social Work, and Engineering
From 10am-2pm on the Southwest Terrace there will be
· Community and campus resource and information tables
· A “Pledge to end Domestic Violence” photo exhibit
· Beverages and snacks
· An ice cream vendor (Yum!)
At 11:45am ASI Women’s Commissioner Sarah Noone will introduce the Program Council’s noon concert with
And at 1pm Sarah will introduce the program honoring survivors of domestic violence
and the people and agencies who support them, beginning with CSULB President Alexander
Special guests at this program include Assemblymember Betty Karnette,
Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster, and many other community members who can connect you with
ways to become involved and assist yourself and others.
Anyone interested in volunteering at the event, or in preparing for the event, please contact us at the WRC ASAP because Wednesday is almost here!
This program is a collaboration between the Women's Resource Center , Interval House, the Long Beach Sexual Assault Crisis Agency, University Police, Long Beach Police Department, Associated Students Inc, Program Council, and all the shelters and service providers in the Long Beach area.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
F-Word Discussion on 10/09/07
ANYONE who can swing by the WRC and pick up fliers to post around campus will be greatly appreciated in our hearts!!! We have bought some large construction paper to make the signs to post on the grass during the discussion and if you want to come by and make one, PLEASE DO!!! again, our hearts would melt for you. who dosn't want that?
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Light Up Our Nights: Student Rally October 4th
Long Beach, CA – Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) will be hosting “Light Up Our Nights,” a rally and town hall meeting intended to create a safe setting for students and take a proactive stance on campus security issues.
“Light Up Our Nights” will be on Thursday, October 4, 2007 from 12:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Speaker’s Platform by the University Bookstore.
“Light Up Our Nights” is an opportunity for students to address many of the concerns regarding campus security, such as the correlation between lack of street lights and the incidents and attacks on campus. ASI Public Defender Catherine Pittet, the organizer of the event, is adamant about raising awareness on students’ safety and believes that more lights would not just decrease predatory attacks but create visibility for bicyclists and pedestrians. “This is our campus,” Pittet said. “We are a community, and we want to be active in protecting each other.”
The rally will include a march, which starts in front of the University Bookstore, go up toward the University Library and down to east side of campus and conclude at the Speaker’s Platform. Speakers include 3 rd District Councilman Gary DeLong, Chief of Campus Police Jack Pearson and University President F. King Alexander.
As a response to the vehicle thefts and sexual assaults on campus, the 2006/2007 ASI Senate requested immediate installation of security cameras on campus in areas of high criminal activities, such as parking lots and structures; heightened campus security with the University Police Night Escort Program; and urged City of Long Beach for lighting installations in poorly lit areas on campus, primarily along Bellflower Boulevard between Seventh Street and Atherton Street, along Atherton Street between Bellflower Boulevard and Palo Verde Avenue and along Palo Verde Avenue between Atherton Street and State University Drive.