Weekly Newsletters, Fall 2008-Spring 2009

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Immigration Film Series in December

CSULB Campus Progressives Collective
Immigration Film Series

in the Multicultural Center

Films include:
Wetback: The Undocumented Documentary
Milton and Nayo embark on the riskful journey North, leaving Nicaragua and their families. Their disadvantage is not having the legal documentation to travel. With much sacrafice, they go in search of the “American Dream.”
December 4th, Tuesday
@ 7 p.m.

A Day Without a Mexican
This satire addresses questions such as: If illegal immigrants are such a problem in our country, what would happen if they all disappeared one day? Furthermore, what if all Latinos were to disappear? How would it affect our economy and personal lives?
December 11th, Tuesday
@ 7 p.m.

In the Long Island suburb of Farmingville, hate-based attempted murder of two day laborers made headlines. This documentary blends the stories of day laborers and town residents, revealing how our national policies has created violence, racism, and fear.
December 12th, Wednesday
@ 3 p.m.

For more information, contact: progressives-discussion@lists.riseup.net

Friday, November 9, 2007

Transgender Awareness Week 2007

Tuesday (11/13)
3pm at the LGBT Resource Center (FO4 #165)
Movie screening: "Ma Vie En Rose" (My Life in Pink) with
discussion to follow after the movie showing.
Hosted by the LGBT Artist Collective
LGBT Artist Collective will be showing the movie "Ma Vie
En Rose" (My Life in Pink) at the LGBT Resource Center at
3pm with discussion to follow after the movie.

Wednesday (11/14)
1:30pm - 2:30pm at the LGBT Resource Center (FO4 #165)
Transgender Awareness Workshop presented by Jeff Spafford.
Hosted by Delta Lambda Phi

Thursday (11/15)
5pm - 7pm
Transgender Day of Remembrance Candlelight Vigil
Location: Speaker's Platform/Friendship Walk.
Hosted by the LGBT Resource Center

For more information or if you are in need of special
accommodations, please contact Matt Cabrera

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center
California State University, Long Beach
Faculty Office 4, Room 165

FORCE Meeting Minutes 11/6/07

-Wandie is in charge of organizing the new feminist words of the week
-members will take turns defining and posting feminist-oriented terminology on campus
-ideas for words may also be emailed or posted to the blog or message board

-Zine updates (theragzine@gmail.com)
-ideas due by email by Friday 11/9
-submissions due Tuesday 11/20
-for questions, email address above or contact Wandie, Desiree, or Mariana

-Spring fundraising idea
-use gallery to host exhibition of art by students and local artists
-either have FORCE art/craft table or accept donations at the door
-planning for end of February

-Teach-in on global women’s issues
-First week of December at Friendship Walk/Speaker’s Platform?
-Coalition with Campus Progressives, LGBT center, ethnic organizations, Multicultural Center, NOW
-Representatives from each organization will discuss various issues concerning women
-ex: FGM, femicide, Darfur, Juarez, gender in birth preference, rape as a weapon of war, honor killing, etc.
-Everyone needs to make contact with other organizations and take charge planning this event from start to finish

-Diane Hayashino from CaPS has expressed interest in working with FORCE so we can also plan workshops or facilitated consciousness-raising sessions

Monday, November 5, 2007

WOCA Summit!

Saturday November 17, 1:00 PM - 6:00 P.M.
Cal Poly Pomona University Recital Hall.
3801 West Temple Ave
Pomona, CA 91768
Phone:(909) 869-7659
1:00 - 6:00 pm

Its a Saturday afternoon celebrating California NOW and the WOCA Summit with an array of women, students, NOW members and community leaders.

scale $15 - $30,
students free
Speakers, workshops, panels and World Cafe.
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Women of Color & Allies Summit

The Southwest Region of the National Organization for Women is proud to host The Women of Color and Allies Summit. This coalition of California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah NOW is joining together to acknowledge and discuss critical issues that affect women of all colors and their social environments.

The WOCA Summit includes speakers, panels, workshops and a World Café Conversation. Guests will join with hosts and presenters in discussions to deepen understanding between all people of all colors and economic circumstances with a focus on social, political, economic, health, reproductive justice and equality. We hope that this afternoon of community will address issues of difference, discover common ground and result in an informed agenda of working together to further the cause of equality for women, men and families in our region, states and local communities.


* Global EcoFeminism
* Empowering Women
* Eliminating Racism
* Environmental Justice
* Immigrant Rights
* Feminist Activism
* Domestic Violence
* Reproductive Rights

Ultimately we shall discuss the illusion of disparity, the commonality of diversity and the joy of unity.
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Dorinda Moreno
Activist, author, director, founder of Hitec Aztec Communications, , Founder of Concilio Mujeres, Elders of 4 Colors 4 Directions, 'We Are The Ones That We Have Been Waiting For' Global campaign.

Linda M. Perkins
Associate University Professor & Director of Applied Women's Studies, Claremont Graduate University

Mitsuye Yamada
Poet, feminist, teacher, humanitarian. Founder of the Asian Pacific Women's Network, and her local chapter of Amnesty International.
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Make your reservation today at http://www.canow.org/woca.php.

For information contact:

Christina Gonzalez, vpdiversity@canow.org
V.P. Diversity CA NOW,
Co-Chair WOCA

Heather Frederick, eloquent_blonde@hotmail.com
Co Chair WOCA
(619) 988-5934

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Valerie Plame Wilson at the Carpenter Center

Co-sponsored with the Carpenter Performing Arts Center, Office of the President, the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Division of Student Services, the Division of Administration and Finance, the Division of University Relations and Development, the President's Commission on the Status of Women, Student Life and Development, Associated Students, Inc., the Department of Political Science, and the Women's Resource Center

Who: Valerie Plame Wilson
What: Lecture

When: Monday, November 5, 2007 @ 7:00pm
Where: CSULB Carpenter Center

Ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame Wilson, have served our country for over a combined 43 years. Valerie Plame joined the Central Intelligence Agency at the age of 22, and it has been widely reported that she worked undercover on several overseas assignments in areas related to counterterrorism and on counter-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

In July 2003, Ambassador Wilson spoke out against the Bush Administration’s false claim that Iraq had sought nuclear material in Africa, which had been a primary justification for going to war with Iraq . To punish and discredit Wilson and intimidate others who might come forward, senior Bush administration officials leaked to reporters the name of Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame Wilson, and her classified CIA status – destroying her career and jeopardizing national security.

Following the leak, the CIA requested that the Justice Department conduct an investigation into whether the White House violated federal laws by revealing the identity of one of its undercover employees in retaliation against Ambassador Wilson. The Justice Department responded with the appointment of a special counsel, Patrick Fitzgerald. Evidence collected by Mr. Fitzgerald has shown that at least two Bush administration officials, Karl Rove and Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Jr., discussed Mrs. Wilson’s employment at the CIA with reporters. Last October, a grand jury indicted Mr. Libby, former Chief of Staff and assistant for National Security Affairs to U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, on charges of obstruction of justice, perjury, and making false statements. (Taken from the Joseph and Valerie Wilson Legal Support Trust web site)