***** Reminder: There WILL be a meeting this Thursday at 2:30pm in the WRC *****
* Creating a sex-positive zine
- Email ideas ASAP to theragzine@gmail. com
- Final drafts due 4/10
- Put zine together during 4/17 meeting
- Ideas and topics: STI awareness, masturbation, sex toys, consensual sex, kinks & fetishes, sex drive, sex on your period, names for female masturbation, euphemisms for vulva/vagina, women-positive porn, orgasms, body image & sex
* Discussed concerns about men’s role in TBTN
- Need for clear, specific mission statements
- Guidelines in the program reminding that it is a woman-positive and women-centered space
- Conversations with men or other event about men’s role in Sexual Assault Awareness
* Why is Sexual Assault Awareness Month only FORCE & SACA’s responsibility? Include W/St dept, health center, LGBT center, etc.
And the updated committees list:
* Sexual Assault Awareness Week and Take Back the Night on April 29th, 30th and May 1st
- Please choose one or more of the following committees to work on. Even if you can’t make the regular FORCE meetings, there may be ways you can help the committees at other more convenient times.
- The Site, Program, and Clothesline Committees need the most help. Everyone will, of course, help with event publicity.
- Please email your contact info and which committee you would like to join to force4change@ yahoo.com so that next week the committees can start planning.
- 1) Site Committee – (Alicia & Tiffany & Priscilla)
--- Secure site for the rally (usually Brotman Hall fountain)
--- Arrange parking for visitors
--- Select a path and do a walk-through of the march, ensure that it is disabled accessible, and create a map for the program
--- Reserve podium, PA/AV equipment, chairs, etc.
--- Contact American Indian tribe about hosting the speak out at Puvungna and having the ceremonial fire
- 2) Program Committee – (Wandie & Aunnie & Mariana)
--- Decide what the program will include
--- Book speakers for the rally
--- Plan timetable for TBTN, considering that the march must start after dark
--- Compile the event program with history of TBTN, scheduled speakers, map of the path, chants, contact information for FORCE, SACA, etc.
--- Contact Disabled Student Services for translator
--- Possible post-Speakout feminist music (e.g. Angie Evans)
--- Contact local organizations for information tables
--- Request SACA-certified counselors for Speakout
--- Get vintage videos of TBTN to project during rally
--- Find MC
- 3) Fundraising Committee – (Desireé & Katie)
--- Create and propose budget based on anticipated expenses of subcommittees
--- Meet with SLD advisor
--- Apply for PCSW funding
--- Create buttons, shirts; gather TBTN slogan signs and additional literature, if necessary
--- Discuss gifts for speakers
- 4) Clothesline Project & Additional Events Committee
– (Megan & Priscilla)
--- Coordinate with Clothesline Project to cross-promote events
--- Plan additional event during Sexual Assault Awareness Week, particularly something concerning acquaintance/ date rape, men’s role in sexual assault prevention, etc. (e.g. “Voices of Men” performance, Interact performance, men’s pledge, “Can I Kiss You?” etc.)
--- Create budget and submit to fundraising committee
- 5) Publicity Committee – (Wandie, Jamila, Aunnie, Carrie J. & Tiffany)
--- Design, order/print, and distribute flyers and posters (must be SLD-approved) (Linda)
--- Contact school newspapers for promotion and event coverage
--- Contact professors through formal letter about promoting TBTN and Clothesline Project and possibly offering extra credit for student attendance (particularly Women’s Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Art)
--- Online promotion via MySpace, Facebook, blog, message board, email listserv, etc.
Feminist Organization Reclaiming Consciousness and Equality
Weekly Newsletters, Fall 2008-Spring 2009
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
"Feminist Theologies: Heritage and Future" a Summer Forum
"Feminist Theologies: Heritage and Future" a Summer Forum
The Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER) and Feminist Studies in Religion, Inc. (FSR) are pleased to invite graduate students and junior faculty to apply for the first Summer Forum on Feminist Theologies in Washington, DC, June 15-20, 2008. This inaugural year will focus on "Making the Connections: Claiming Our Past—Envisioning Our Future Together." This residential program provides the space and opportunity to work with colleagues across generations, religions, racial/ethnic, and disciplinary lines creating new knowledge and deepening feminist scholarly collaboration. Distinguished scholars in the field, including Katie Geneva Cannon, Mary E. Hunt, Judith Plaskow, Kwok Pui-lan, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, and Deborah Whitehead have agreed to provide leadership for the entire week of lively discussions and creative debate in a communal atmosphere. The application deadline is April 1, 2008.
For more information, including the application form, please visit:
The Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER) and Feminist Studies in Religion, Inc. (FSR) are pleased to invite graduate students and junior faculty to apply for the first Summer Forum on Feminist Theologies in Washington, DC, June 15-20, 2008. This inaugural year will focus on "Making the Connections: Claiming Our Past—Envisioning Our Future Together." This residential program provides the space and opportunity to work with colleagues across generations, religions, racial/ethnic, and disciplinary lines creating new knowledge and deepening feminist scholarly collaboration. Distinguished scholars in the field, including Katie Geneva Cannon, Mary E. Hunt, Judith Plaskow, Kwok Pui-lan, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, and Deborah Whitehead have agreed to provide leadership for the entire week of lively discussions and creative debate in a communal atmosphere. The application deadline is April 1, 2008.
For more information, including the application form, please visit:
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Social & Multicultural Foundations of Education Film Night
Come watch an interesting film. It's free and educational!
Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World is the first documentary to deeply explore the lives of gay and lesbian people in non-western cultures. Traveling to five different continents, we hear the heartbreaking and triumphant stories of gays and lesbians from Egypt, Honduras, Kenya, Thailand and elsewhere, where most occurrences of oppression receive no media coverage at all. By sharing the personal stories coming out of developing nations, Dangerous Living sheds light on an emerging global movement striving to end discrimination and violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people.
Date: Wednesday, March 19th
Time: 7:00pm
Place: Academic Services Building Room 244 Please note: the Academic Services (AS) building is directly across from ED-1
go through the big glass doors and up the stairway).
Discussion Following Film
Jennifer Lamkins
Assistant Professor
Educational Technology
EdPAC, College of Education
California State University Long Beach
"A childlike (wo)man is not a (wo)man whose development
has been arrested; on the contrary, (s)he is a (wo)man who
has given (her)self a chance of continuing to develop long
after most adults have muffled themselves in the cocoon of
middle aged habit and convention."
-- Aldous Huxley
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center
California State University, Long Beach
University Student Union, Room 215
Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World is the first documentary to deeply explore the lives of gay and lesbian people in non-western cultures. Traveling to five different continents, we hear the heartbreaking and triumphant stories of gays and lesbians from Egypt, Honduras, Kenya, Thailand and elsewhere, where most occurrences of oppression receive no media coverage at all. By sharing the personal stories coming out of developing nations, Dangerous Living sheds light on an emerging global movement striving to end discrimination and violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people.
Date: Wednesday, March 19th
Time: 7:00pm
Place: Academic Services Building Room 244 Please note: the Academic Services (AS) building is directly across from ED-1
go through the big glass doors and up the stairway).
Discussion Following Film
Jennifer Lamkins
Assistant Professor
Educational Technology
EdPAC, College of Education
California State University Long Beach
"A childlike (wo)man is not a (wo)man whose development
has been arrested; on the contrary, (s)he is a (wo)man who
has given (her)self a chance of continuing to develop long
after most adults have muffled themselves in the cocoon of
middle aged habit and convention."
-- Aldous Huxley
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center
California State University, Long Beach
University Student Union, Room 215
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Grad School Q&A
Claremont Graduate University recruiter Sojourner Abdullah will be on campus WEDS, March 12th, to meet with students to discuss graduate school.
March 12th
MHB, 3rd Floor Conference Room
(located left of the elevator)
CGU is a small, private graduate only institution, located in Claremont, California. It offers a Masters Degree in Applied Women's Studies. In addition, it has several Masters and Ph.D programs in related fields. Check out: www.cgu.edu/ sah
Even if you are not sure about graduate school or specifically interested in CGU, this is a great opportunity to have a one-on-one session with a grad student recruiter. Come join us!
Claremont Graduate University recruiter Sojourner Abdullah will be on campus WEDS, March 12th, to meet with students to discuss graduate school.
March 12th
MHB, 3rd Floor Conference Room
(located left of the elevator)
CGU is a small, private graduate only institution, located in Claremont, California. It offers a Masters Degree in Applied Women's Studies. In addition, it has several Masters and Ph.D programs in related fields. Check out: www.cgu.edu/ sah
Even if you are not sure about graduate school or specifically interested in CGU, this is a great opportunity to have a one-on-one session with a grad student recruiter. Come join us!
Free LSAT Seminar and Pizza
The Law Society invites any CSULB students interested in applying to law school to a Free LSAT Seminar. The seminar will discuss the law school admissions test, cover real sample questions, and demonstrate techniques to help you master this difficult exam. The LSAT is the single most important factor in law school admissions, so don't miss this free opportunity to learn more! (And eat pizza.) Thursday March 13, College of Business Administration (CBA) Room 125, 5:00 - 6:30 PM. For more information, contact the Law Society at: lawsociety@csulb. edu.
FORCE Meeting Minutes 3/6/08 and TBTN Info
FORCE Meeting Minutes 3/6/08
* Wednesday, March 12th at 3:30pm at the Senate Chambers
LGBT ASI Secretary position proposal. Come show your support!! Contact Aunnie for more info
* Sexual Assault Awareness Week and Take Back the Night on April 29th, 30th and May 1st
- Please choose one or more of the following committees to work on. Even if you can't make the regular FORCE meetings, there may be ways you can help the committees at other more convenient times.
- The Site, Program, and Clothesline Committees need the most help. Everyone will, of course, help with event publicity.
- Please email your contact info and which committee you would like to join to force4change@yahoo.com so that next week the committees can start planning.
- 1) Site Committee – (Alicia & Tiffany)
--- Secure site for the rally (usually Brotman Hall fountain)
--- Arrange parking for visitors
--- Select a path and do a walk-through of the march, ensure that it is disabled accessible, and create a map for the program
--- Reserve podium, PA/AV equipment, chairs, etc.
--- Contact American Indian tribe about hosting the speak out at Puvungna and having the ceremonial fire
- 2) Program Committee – (Aunnie & Mariana)
--- Decide what the program will include
--- Book speakers for the rally
--- Plan timetable for TBTN, considering that the march must start after dark
--- Compile the event program with history of TBTN, scheduled speakers, map of the path, chants, contact information for FORCE, SACA, etc.
--- Contact Disabled Student Services for translator
--- Possible post-Speakout feminist music (e.g. Angie Evans)
--- Contact local organizations for information tables
--- Request SACA-certified counselors for Speakout
--- Get vintage videos of TBTN to project during rally
- 3) Fundraising Committee – (Desireé & Katie)
--- Create and propose budget based on anticipated expenses of subcommittees
--- Meet with SLD advisor
--- Create buttons, shirts; gather TBTN slogan signs and additional literature, if necessary
--- Discuss gifts for speakers
- 4) Clothesline Project & Additional Events Committee – (Megan)
--- Coordinate with Clothesline Project to cross-promote events
--- Plan additional event during Sexual Assault Awareness Week, particularly something concerning acquaintance/date rape, men's role in sexual assault prevention, etc. (e.g. "Voices of Men" performance, Interact performance, men's pledge, "Can I Kiss You?" etc.)
--- Create budget and submit to fundraising committee
- 5) Publicity Committee – (Wandie, Jamila, Aunnie, Carrie J. & Tiffany)
--- Design, order/print, and distribute flyers and posters (must be SLD-approved)
--- Contact school newspapers for promotion and event coverage
--- Contact professors through formal letter about promoting TBTN and Clothesline Project and possibly offering extra credit for student attendance (particularly Women's Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Art)
--- Online promotion via MySpace, Facebook, blog, message board, email listserv, etc.
* FYI: There WILL be a FORCE meeting on Thursday, March 27th (the week before Spring Break)
* Women's shelter benefit (not a FORCE event)
-- Sunday, March 30th from 5pm to 11pm.
DiPiazza's: 5205 East PCH
Long Beach, CA 90804
$10 at the door.
-- All proceeds benefit:
Women Shelter of Long Beach
Lydia's House
-- Bands/Acts that shall be playing:
Babs und Sheridan avec Marc,
Boris Smile,
Dietra Kruschev,
Family Tree
National Dear Park
Pink Moon.
* Wednesday, March 12th at 3:30pm at the Senate Chambers
LGBT ASI Secretary position proposal. Come show your support!! Contact Aunnie for more info
* Sexual Assault Awareness Week and Take Back the Night on April 29th, 30th and May 1st
- Please choose one or more of the following committees to work on. Even if you can't make the regular FORCE meetings, there may be ways you can help the committees at other more convenient times.
- The Site, Program, and Clothesline Committees need the most help. Everyone will, of course, help with event publicity.
- Please email your contact info and which committee you would like to join to force4change@yahoo.com so that next week the committees can start planning.
- 1) Site Committee – (Alicia & Tiffany)
--- Secure site for the rally (usually Brotman Hall fountain)
--- Arrange parking for visitors
--- Select a path and do a walk-through of the march, ensure that it is disabled accessible, and create a map for the program
--- Reserve podium, PA/AV equipment, chairs, etc.
--- Contact American Indian tribe about hosting the speak out at Puvungna and having the ceremonial fire
- 2) Program Committee – (Aunnie & Mariana)
--- Decide what the program will include
--- Book speakers for the rally
--- Plan timetable for TBTN, considering that the march must start after dark
--- Compile the event program with history of TBTN, scheduled speakers, map of the path, chants, contact information for FORCE, SACA, etc.
--- Contact Disabled Student Services for translator
--- Possible post-Speakout feminist music (e.g. Angie Evans)
--- Contact local organizations for information tables
--- Request SACA-certified counselors for Speakout
--- Get vintage videos of TBTN to project during rally
- 3) Fundraising Committee – (Desireé & Katie)
--- Create and propose budget based on anticipated expenses of subcommittees
--- Meet with SLD advisor
--- Create buttons, shirts; gather TBTN slogan signs and additional literature, if necessary
--- Discuss gifts for speakers
- 4) Clothesline Project & Additional Events Committee – (Megan)
--- Coordinate with Clothesline Project to cross-promote events
--- Plan additional event during Sexual Assault Awareness Week, particularly something concerning acquaintance/date rape, men's role in sexual assault prevention, etc. (e.g. "Voices of Men" performance, Interact performance, men's pledge, "Can I Kiss You?" etc.)
--- Create budget and submit to fundraising committee
- 5) Publicity Committee – (Wandie, Jamila, Aunnie, Carrie J. & Tiffany)
--- Design, order/print, and distribute flyers and posters (must be SLD-approved)
--- Contact school newspapers for promotion and event coverage
--- Contact professors through formal letter about promoting TBTN and Clothesline Project and possibly offering extra credit for student attendance (particularly Women's Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Art)
--- Online promotion via MySpace, Facebook, blog, message board, email listserv, etc.
* FYI: There WILL be a FORCE meeting on Thursday, March 27th (the week before Spring Break)
* Women's shelter benefit (not a FORCE event)
-- Sunday, March 30th from 5pm to 11pm.
DiPiazza's: 5205 East PCH
Long Beach, CA 90804
$10 at the door.
-- All proceeds benefit:
Women Shelter of Long Beach
Lydia's House
-- Bands/Acts that shall be playing:
Babs und Sheridan avec Marc,
Boris Smile,
Dietra Kruschev,
Family Tree
National Dear Park
Pink Moon.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Benefit Show!
All proceeds benefit:
* Women Shelter of Long Beach
* Lydia's House

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